Hi, we are 2Xstream Robotics. We are a experienced team wanting to share our experiences with other teams across the world. This is our fifth year in FIRST. And the whole team LOVES it. A little bit about our team:








Our Story


2017 Hydrodynamics

Hydrodynamics was our first year together. We were a rookie team that was all fourth graders. We had a BLAST at our regional qualifier. We had so much fun that we want to go back next year. We learned how even though you completing against teams, in the same sense you're not. You’re working together to make the world a better place. Thats what we loved about FIRST LEGO LEAGUE. Making friends and having fun!

2018 Into Orbit

Into Orbit season was our second season together. We found a way to share our ideas with teams all over the world by creating a YouTube Channel. We also found fun things we all had in common, like we all love ice cream and completing different games and puzzles! We made new friends and helped other rookie teams understand the game and FIRST LEGO LEAGUE in general! Most importantly we had fun!

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2019 City Shaper

City Shaper season was our third year together! We had so much fun! We did an escape room together, decorated construction helmets with stickers and glitter, and most importantly we made so many new friends! One of our favorite moments was at our qualifier. We met this girl who was all alone, her team didn’t show up and her robot wasn’t working. Instead of working on our robot, we decided to go over and help her as much as we can. We helped her understand the table, fix her robot, and maximize the most point using the mission she had. We helped her enjoy herself at the competition and love FIRST LEGO LEAGUE as much as we do!


2020 Replay

Replay Season will be our fourth year together! We love working together and when we aren’t programming we are joking around, playing games, helping others, and decorating anything we can! Even though we work really hard and everyday is crunch time, the big reason why we do robotics is because the whole time we are having fun! We know that this year is different and we are doing our best to find new ways to work remotely while also having fun! We do FIRST LEGO LEAGUE because we love to help others, make friends and most importantly, have fun!!

2021 Cargo Connect

Cargo Connect is our fifth season and we have had so much fun and made so many new memories! Even when we are focusing hard on the table or our presentations, we still find time to have fun! This season we have escaped from an escape room, visited a cargo container, decorated helmets with stickers, done laser tags and high ropes, had a silly string fight, and so much more! Thats why we do FIRST LEGO LEAGUE, to have fun!